FOR HOME: We think that this is the best internet filtering and accountability software available on the market today to help you protect your whole family. Accountability reports emailed to you at your preferred frequency to ensure timely discussion of issues that arise.
FOR SCHOOLS: Teacher driven tool for unprecedented classroom internet management. Ability to lock-down, enable specific sites or have open filtered browsing for all or individual students in a class. Works with all devices/platforms (even student owned devices!). Provides accountability for students internet use at school. Teacher login for live thumbnail views of all student screens.
Needing to get caught-up on sex dialog with your child? This could be read page-by-page with a child. Follows the progress of human life from conception to birth, highlighting key facts and important moral values. BUT DON’T WAIT TILL THEY ARE ALMOST 12 TO START SEX DIALOG. Start talking about sex with your child when they are able to understand, “We don’t take down our pants in public”.
Parenting the Internet Generation shows parents how to have honest conversations about self-image, sexuality, sin, and shame. (It’s a long read, but don’t miss appendix A, Sex Ed: Stage by Stage!)
Abuse prevention. A kid-to-kid guide to keeping private parts private.
Abuse prevention. The story of a conversation between a mother and a child about improper touching.
This book by Kristen A. Jenson M.A. is an excellent way to open up dialog with your children about pornography. It’s available on Amazon and Kindle!
FOR KIDS AGES 3-6: This book by Kristen A. Jenson M.A. is an excellent way to open up dialog with your children about pornography. Find out more about it on the Protect Young Minds website. Also available on Amazon and Kindle.
Teach your children the CAN DO plan for reacting to pornography, review it often.
Guides teen girls and young adults through the temptations and pressures of young adulthood while demonstrating how she can live her life to the fullest–without regrets. Whether she has so far protected herself emotionally and sexually, feels that she’s been robbed of her purity, or has given in to temptation in some way, this book can help her achieve or reclaim sexual integrity.
Guides teen boys and young adult how to rise above today’s debased, self-seeking culture by examining God’s standard, training your eyes and mind, cleaning up your thought life, and developing a plan. The bottom line is that these strategies are biblical and they have worked for millions of men.
A FREE “Facebook Rules of Conduct” editable Word document to use with your 13+ year old (from Media Safe Kids).
Reviews and media content issues for: MOVIES, GAMES, APPS, WEBSITES, TV, BOOKS, and MUSIC (secular but very relevant).
Reviews and Christian based discussion on media issues for MOVIES, TV, MUSIC, GAMES, and BOOKS.
Follow this blog to help keep your family safe from pornography by staying up-to-date with news, resources, tips, and threats.
View risks profiles for many apps used by kids today.
When Your Child is Looking at Porn is a step-by-step conversation guide to use when a parent discovers her child or teenager has been looking at pornography.
What if the secret to freedom from porn wasn’t just quitting porn, but changing your life so there’s no room for porn in the first place? Download this ebook to learn how small changes to your life, as well as trying out new things, can help you change your view of life and reduce your need for porn.
Parents can help their kids heal from pornography use. Download the SMART Plan Guide for Parents to show you how to begin.
FREE FOR YOUTH 13-17: Fortify is designed to equip individuals struggling with compulsive pornography use – young and old – with tools, education and community to assist them in reaching lasting freedom.
Begin the journey to a porn-free life with Overcome Porn: The 40 Day Challenge. Available by EMAIL or APP.
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